Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A New Start Up In India by a Women

I dont know where i scale today.......there lots of confusion..and all roads for success seems to be blocked.......need help but cannot see help from family circle....dont know whom to ask for help...
This is a condition a woman entrepreneur in India i know it is temprory and it not going to last ....but i have to face it until it last....'
so what is this start up.......
These are the answers for the expected questions poping in you mind

It is a entertainment website....

What Entertainment??
Film contest..

What Film?
Indian Films..

How do you earn?
Google adsense banned me no other affliate program is accepting my no single penny earned........

Do you have a team??

I have no contacts...
All friends are working...and most of them think this is not going to be success..

Then how do i believe it is going to be success??
i have two players who play more than 1000 times genuinely for the reward that the websites gives them...

Y don't u get more players???
I have no funds for promotion and cannot increase the rewards due to lack of funds... many of my target auduiance are not aware...and who are aware are not beleiving that we really do reward them....

So how r u promoting now?
All the free ways that facebook allows...but not able to bring the traffic .....

do you need a team?
yes please help..

do you need funds..
if possible yes but i can arrange from family too but i need a team...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Function Overloading/constructor overloading

Before Getting familirised with function overloading we shoul know what a signature of a function is.
Signature of a function
The signature of a function consists of three parts
  1. No of Parameters Used in a function
  2. Return Type of a Function
  3. Sequence of the Parameters
These three points makes the signature of the function.

Now Coming back to operator overloading...
To understand the concept i would like to ask you a question
  • Can you create function having same name???
To answer this question try the following program were i have created two functions with same name. If you get a error answer is no, you cannot create a function with same names. If there is no errors then the answer is yes you can create a function with same name.






    class Demo

        int num1, num2, num3;

        void display()

            Console.WriteLine("THe First Display is called ");


        void display()

            Console.WriteLine("This is display 2 and the given values are");


        static void Main(string[] args)

            Demo d1 = new Demo();







I got a error so can we conclude that we cannot create functions with same name. The answer is no.We can create functions with same names so here is the program for that

System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace functions_with_same_name {
class Demo {
int num1, num2,num3; void display(int i,int j) {
num1 = i;
num2 = j;
Console.WriteLine("THe First Display is called and The given value is {0},{1} ",num1,num2); }
void display(int i,int j,int z) {
num1 = i;
num2 = j;
num3 = z;
Console.WriteLine("This is display 2 and the given values are {0},{1},{2}",i,j,z); }
static void Main(string[] args) {
Demo d1 = new Demo(); d1.display(4,5);
Console.ReadLine(); }

and the output is

So what was the diffrence between both the programs
The no of parameters given to the functions

So the fact is we CAN create function with same name but with different function signatures

So i want you to guess what is a construtor overloading.To understand the construtors refer to my construtors blog

I am giving you the demo

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace construtor_overloading
    class DateTime

        int day, month, year, hrs, min;

        int d, int n, int y, int h, int mi)

            day = d;

            month = n;

            year = y;

            hrs = h;

            min = mi;

            Console.WriteLine("Todays Date is {0}/ {1}/ {2} and Time is {3}: {4}", day, month, year, hrs, min);


        int d, int n, int y)

            Console.WriteLine("Todays Date is {0}/ {1}/ {2}", d, n, y);


        int h, int m)

            Console.WriteLine("Time Is {0} :{1}", h, m);


        static void Main(string[] args)

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(26, 05, 2012);

            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(26, 05, 2012, 04, 15);

            DateTime d3 = new DateTime(04, 15);

